Tuesday Tip – Soft Landings


Tuesday Tip – Soft Landings

I’ve just returned from the vacation of a lifetime, courtesy of my mother-in-law. Spending time with family and being completely off the grid is great, but coming back to the “work a day” world is challenging.

In the weeks of planning for my time off, I knew that I needed to fiercely protect the first few days back. The first thing I did was to make sure I had nothing on the burner the first few days back. The third day back I had a (previously scheduled) doctor’s appointment and two short phone meetings. There’s email to get to and phone calls to return and other things that pop up while your gone.

But one of the things I did before I left was to make sure that everything was set, not only for the days that I was gone, but for the days after I returned. For my social media clients this means not only scheduling posts during my week off, but also scheduling posts for the following week. For my newsletter clients this meant letting them know I would need all information for newsletters by 3 days before I left (which they understand – we all need time away).

As for myself … do you see that lovely photo up in the corner. That was taken during a vacation a few years ago – because I knew I would want to have the Tuesday Tip out on time and that I wouldn’t have had time to download and sort all my photos before posting.

So, this post was actually written two weeks ago – with a note to myself to update the post if I feel the need (and have the time) to correct everything.

I hope you can find some time to get off the grid.