“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin
It’s inevitable. Things change all the time. I was recently on a forum on WordPress.com where people were expressing negative opinions of the “new improved posting experience.” While it is important that the “powers that be” behind any platform understand the needs of their clients, and what is (and is not) working for them, sometimes you just have to roll with the changes.
Here are three ways to manage change:
- Set aside time during your week for learning new things, even if sometimes “learning new things” means relearning old things.
- Figure out if there is a way to revert. When WordPress.com changed the posting edito,r they still kept the old way active if you knew how to find it (or if you knew how to find the forum which detailed out how to revert). (This will NEVER happen with Facebook changes)
- Find someone (perhaps a wonderfully charming virtual assistant) who has complimentary strengths.
These are some options, and I’m sure there are more.
There’s a Jimmy Buffett song called “Cowboy in the Jungle”
We’ve gotta roll with the punches
Learn to play all of our hunches
Make the best of whatever comes your way
Forget that blind ambition
And learn to trust your intuition
Plowin’ straight ahead come what may
And there’s a cowboy in the jungle
(OH – and for transparency sake, when editing a WordPress.com posting, I typically switch back and forth between the classic way to post and the new posting experience; WordPress has some unique features in each, you just need to remember to SAVE before switching).