Tuesday Tip – “Do Not Disturb”
This tip is directed at GMAIL users, but it’s an idea that Outlook users (or anyone using an email service that schedules) can keep in mind.
I’m (somewhat of) a stalker. I don’t necessarily go hunting people down, but I can use tools that I have readily available to find out information about them. Saturday morning I woke up and wanted to send a quick chat message to a client. While doing something else, I noticed that she had been idle for about 3 hours. This was on a Saturday morning, and from doing the math, I could tell that maybe the best form of communication would be something that did NOT pop up in a notification window.
Instead of sending a chat or a text message, I decided my best course of action would be to send something LATER. For those of you that have Gmail, you know there’s not a way to send a message “later” …
You can add Boomerang for Gmail by Baydin to your Gmail. Boomerang will allow you to send emails later, and also to “Boomerang” a mail if you’ve sent it and want to make sure you hear back from the person.
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- Gmail Just Hit a Pretty Major Milestone (time.com)
- 17 Life-Changing Ways to up your Gmail Game. Nicole Nguyen (buzzfeed.com)