May 4-8 2015 is National Small Business Week.
I’m going to mark this occasion by posting some business tips (for small businesses) and articles each day geared toward small businesses.
Today’s tip comes from my own archives.
Emailing multiple people. Every now and then you’ll want to send the same email to more than one person. Some email programs allow you to do this automagically, however Gmail doesn’t have a built-in “mail merge” function (like Microsoft Access does). Even though it’s not built in you can find it if you know where to look. This short video gives a clear step-by-step on merging. (Thank you Anson Alexander).
Related articles
- Thinking About Starting a Small Business? (
Some ideas and guidelines from the SBA on how to start a small business - What It Takes to be a Small Business Owner (
An infographic from Entrepreneur on what it takes to be a small business owner. - SBA Preparing for National Small Business Week (