This week I’m celebrating National Small Business Week. I’m going to take the 5 “work” days of the week and give 5 “shout outs” to local small businesses. John Donne said that “No Man is an Island,” and this is more than true in business. Even a solopreneur (an entrepreneur who works alone) needs a support team; collaborators, brainstorming partners, or someone to tell them to keep on keeping on when they’re staring at an empty cup of coffee and a blank idea sheet.
Today I’d like to give a shout out to part of the graphic design group of my church (and my life, and all of Naperville), Suzanne Wills of Suzanne Wills Design AND Buffington Design and Illustrations.
Suzanne is from Ireland and I think some of the magic of that island has followed her here to the states. Suzanne is self-employed, helping people with design and illustrations and websites (she did my logo so we know she’s fabulous). She also works for a design firm. She ALSO helps out a local friend who had a family change in their print shop. She ALSO sets up the graphics for worship services. She’s ALSO an avid gamer and a runner and a bass player. So I’m fairly convinced that she has a time turner hiding somewhere so she can manage it all.
Sometimes the small business owner inspires us simply by us being able to look and say “if she can do all THAT, surely I can make a few follow up calls.”
Suzanne, thanks for the logo, thanks for the inspiration, and I owe you a Guinness.