Mary Wu

Mary Wu

LinkedIn Specialist or Consultant

  • Build Your Profile
  • Grow Network of Referral Partners
  • Increase Client Interactions

Don’t Understand
How to use LindkedIn?

Working with me, you will learn how you can use LinkedIn to improve your business and your bottom line.

Mary Wu


Leverage your LinkedIn

(Monthly Membership Group)

$333 annually

  • Build your Confidence
  • Build your Consistency
  • Drop in Consulting
  • Drop in Coworking
  • Posting Prompts

Light Up LinkedIn

(Group Lessons – 5-weeks)


  • Build LinkedIn Strategies
  • Clear and simple steps to make using Linked In strategic and enjoyable
  • Checkins and Checklists
  • 6 Month membership to membership group

Illuminate LinkedIn

(Private sessions)


  • 6 1-hour private sessions
  • Build LinkedIn strategies
  • Action Items
  • Checkins and Checklists
  • 3-month membership in Leverage Group
  • Start where YOU are and build from there
Mary Wu

Contact Mary

Boost Your LinkedIn — Book a Call
